It’s good to know you’re with the best.

Home insurances
Our homes reflect the quality of life we would like to enjoy with our family. For this reason, we always select the best value for the money we spend.
At Avraam Insurance Agents we offer reliable home insurance policies whose value has been tested throughout many years in the market.
These home insurance policies provide cover against severe insurable risks but also give extra coverage for aver 50 perils threatening to derange the serenity of our customers.
With long experience and know-how, we work with our customers to design and decide what best suits their needs. We guide them towards the correct valuation of their home buildings their home buildings and contents including their valuables and other belongings.
We promise to restore our customers’ quality of life shortly after the occurrence of a misfortune.
The best houses of Famagusta District have been insured with our company.
(policy sections)
Ask for our household leaflet.
All Risk.
Fire, Earthquake, Explosion and other perils.
Burglary and Theft and consequent damages.
Liability to third parties and servants.
Deep freezer contents.
Accidental breaking of glass and sanitary equipment (quick replacement ensured).
Public Liability.
Personal accident.
Loss or damage to jewellery and other valuables.
Cover for replacement and new for old values.
Bursting or overflowing of a water tank, apparatus or pipe.
Radio and television aerial or solar heaters against storm and tempest damage.
Fur and jewellery (covering the event of damage to them or theft, even if you are abroad for 30 days).
business insurances
Our aim is to protect businesses from unfortunate and unforeseen events supporting their uninterrupted operation, continuous development and prosperity.
For these reasons we perform comprehensive risk assessment. We have also developed tools and methods supporting the customers operation and growth.
The combination of the insurance coverage we choose, secures the correct and thorough insurance protection of each business.

(policy sections)
Our insurance policy can offer cover for more than 80 hazards to choose from.
Ask for our business insurance leaflet and our specialized services offered to our customers only.
Fire, Earthquake and other insurance perils.
Computer or machinery insurance.
All Risks Insurance for specialized items.
Burglary and damage occurred there from.
Glass and shop window cover.
Money insurance including robbery.
Architects and surveyors fees.
Temporary removal.
Contractual Liability.
Refrigerated stock.
Your liability as a tenant.
Liability to the public.
Consequential Loss and Loss of Profits.
Personal Accident insurance.
Products Liability.
Employers’ Liability.
Goods in Transit insurance.
Removal of debris.
Food poisoning.
Loading – Unloading.
Dishonesty of your employers.
Payment or Loss of rent.

motor insurances
Motor insurance is compulsory, if you are owner of a motor vehicle, you are obliged to insure it, at least for third party liability cover.
When you have an accident you realize the difference between having cheap insurance over choosing a reputable insurance office to advise and support you. And accidents are bound to happen.
The technical expertise on motor car damage assessment and the longstanding reputation of Avraam Insurance Agents guarantees the fair handling of our customers’ claims. If you are in doubt, just ask our customers. They will bear witnesses.
(policy sections)
Ask for our Motor Insurance Leaflet to see in more details the coverage we can offer you.
Comprehensive cover for private cars.
Comprehensive cover plus, for new luxury private cars.
Third Party cover with extra coverage.
Third Party cover in accordance with the requirements of the Law.
Comprehensive and Third Party coverage for commercial vehicles.
Motor Trade insurance
Motor Cycles insurance.
Special types insurance cover.
Life & health insurances
Driven by the need to maintain our customers’ standard of living, we offer insurance schemes able to satisfy specific needs.
Individuals and families try to maintain the standard of living they have achieved, as a result of their work and efforts. This standard of living may be disturbed by the occurrence of an accident or illness.
At Avraam Insurance Agents we are in the position to suggest solutions reinstating our customers and their families to the level of living they were enjoying before the accident or illness occurred.
We are able to achieve this result, because we have the experience as matured householders, as working people and as accredited insurance consultants.
Our wide range of life and medical insurance portfolio prove the quality of the schemes we offer.

(policy sections)
Our large life and medical insurance portfolio proofs the quality of the schemes we offer.
Advice and quotations are free. Why not ask.
Family insurance protection plans.
Insurance and saving plans.
Accident and Illness disability plans.
Group medical and accident insurance schemes.
Hospital plans.
Medical insurance for all family members.
Alien medical insurance.
Pension plans.

yacht insurance
Yachting is a lifestyle that offers a unique experience and a sense of freedom.
Avraam Insurance Agents offers the opportunity to safely enjoy your yacht and travel with confidence.
At Avraam Insurance Agents we have specialized technical support available and together with our long experience we provide our customers with value for money insurance coverage.
(policy sections)
Please ask for our experts’ advice and premium quotation.
Loss or damage at sea and on land.
Damage during loading / uploading.
Malicious damage.
Liability for injuries to third parties.
Liability to and from skiers.
Damage caused by fire or due to accident.
Theft of the Yacht, her boat or engine.
Damage due to explosion.
Liability for injuries to passengers.
Inspection and salvage costs.
Liability insurances
Employers Liability insurance is compulsory by law.
Our personal and professional actions and activity may cause bodily injury or damage third parties and their employees.
An oversight or a minor inadvertence may prove an unaffordable economic burden, especially in the face of legal action against us.
Selecting the right insurance coverage will protect us against any legal liability to third parties or our employees. Making the best decision requires the support of a professional insurance office which will be able to recognize our needs and provide effective support in case of need.
As Avraam Insurance Agents we have enriched our services with what we consider as suitable cover and protection for business owners and other professionals including the employers of house maids.

(policy sections)
We can present you with our suggestions and quotation. Our associated consultants may help you comply with Occupational Health & Safety requirements.
Professional Liability for Architects and Engineers.
Public Liability and Products Liability.
Professional Liability for Accountants.
Employers Liability Insurance in accordance with legal requirements.
Professional Liability for Lawyers.
Personal Liability.

An insurance for you
The need to safeguard the property and wealth of every individual and business is best handled with the assistance and guidance of a professional insurance office who can offer specialized insurance policies.
The construction industry, travelers, importers and exporters and many others with different needs, can rely on Avraam Insurance Agents. Here, they can find the most suitable insurance policy and advice to their activities.
Being one of the largest insurance offices in Cyprus, we have the expertise to handle and give appropriate solutions to complex insurance needs.
(policy sections)
Discuss your needs with us. Our suggestions may proof useful to you. If insurance is not the solution to your need, we may suggest other alternatives.
Contractors and Erection All Risks Insurance.
Block of flats and multi storey building insurance in accordance with the requirements of the Law.
Machinery breakdown insurance.
Marine and Air Cargo Insurance.
Travel Insurance.
Deterioration of stock insurance.
pet insurance
We continue to innovate with the introduction of insurance products that are tailored to fulfill the present day requirements of the ever demanding customer. Among these is the Petcare plan in order to ensure the safety and longevity of your pets, cats and/or dogs.

(policy sections)
For further details or specimen of our Policy please contact our head office.
Veterinary fees due to accidental external injury.
Third Party Liability.
Death due to accidental external injury.

bicycle insurance
As the infrastructure in major cities grows, more and more people use the bike for leisure, or transportation, taking advantage of the multiple financial and health benefits it offers.
For those who enjoy using their bicycle, we designed a new innovative insurance for cyclists, which offers rider s three very important coverages.
cycleCARE comes into three packages with different premiums and different coverage limits.
The policy is available:
- To people between the age of 18 and 60.
- To bicycle owners of value from €200 up to €3000.
(policy sections)
The company reserves the right to reject any insurance proposal.
Personal Accident:
- Death.
- Permanent Total Disablement.
- Medical Expenses.
Public Liability (bodily injury and/or material damage to third parties).
Covers your bicycle’s own damages after an accident.
farm insurance
The farmCare plan is a specialized insurance contract for the safeguarding of farming units. It is primarily offered to existing or potential farm owners in order to compensate them in case of an accident, illness, death, or any malicious damage of the livestock.

(policy sections)
FarmCARE is a specialized policy that covers your livestock against a number of risks.
Fire, Smoke, Lighting, Explosion, Windstorm, Tornado, Storm, Hail, Earthquake, Strike & Riot, Plane crash, Flood, Theft.
Collision of vehicle while carrying animals.
Death as a result of: Freezing, Suffocation, Attack by wild animals, Power failure, Trapping.
Vandalism or malicious damage.

travel insurance
Travel Insurance concerns everybody who travels, between 15-70 years of age. It is of interest to anybody traveling abroad either for business or for pleasure; it concerns you too!
(policy sections)
For further details or specimen of our Policy please contact our head office.
Cover in the event of an accidental injury resulting:
- Death.
- Loss of limbs, sight or hearing.
- Permanent total disability to work.
- Temporary total disability to work.
Luggage cover in the event of loss or damage to your luggage during the period of insurance.
Cover in the event that you or an insured member of your family falls ill, is injured or dies during the period of insurance, including:
- Medical and surgery costs.
- Hospital or clinic accommodation costs.
- Physiotherapy costs.
- Emergency dental care costs and other incidental costs.
professional indemnity insurance
All companies that provide services to clients must be prepared to face up to the prospect of possible court action.

(policy sections)
Advice and quotations are free. Why not ask.
Professional Indemnity for Accountants.
Professional Indemnity Insurance for Architects/ Engineers.
Professional Indemnity Insurance for Lawyers.
Professional Indemnity for Specified Professions.

Carriage of goods insurance
Avraam Insurance agent, a company with an established presence and long-term experience in the insurance world and with a main goal to protect and cover its clients with its progressive insurance policies, presents the Marine Insurance Policy. The Marine Insurance Policy concerns all the individuals and importers or exporters of goods as well as any person engaging in transit trade.
Cyber risk insurance
Cyber security and information protection can be challenging for companies of all sizes. Hackers are not the only threat — today’s businesses rely on the internet for services such as online marketing, administrative functions, inventory management, credit card processing, and distribution controls. Any intrusion that disrupts delivery of these services can lead to brand and reputation damage, regulatory scrutiny, stakeholder dissatisfaction, and financial losses. Avraam Insurance provides suitable cover for all businesses that could potentially face the risk of a cyber-attack.

Contractors All Risk insurance
Contractors All Risk (C.A.R) policy offers coverage against a wide range of risks in relation to construction and demolition of buildings, factories, roads, bridges, ports etc.
This policy can be extended to cover third party liability as well.
The Contractors’ All Risks Insurance concerns owners of projects under construction, as well as building contractors and land development companies.
Avraam Insurance Agents LTD
Address: 23 Dimokratias, 5340
Ayia Napa, Famagusta, Cyprus